What are the software and hardware differences between OMR and desktop scanners?
- An OMR form can have the bubbles very close together, making it possible to collect more data in the same space.
- On an OMR form, the bubbles need to be completely filled in on these forms.
- An OMR form requires Timing Marks on it (small rectangular marks on one side of the page).
- Scanning copies of OMR forms is not acceptable. They have to be originals.
- OMR readers cannot deal with inexact tolerances, so printing of forms must be very precise. Readers require that forms be printed exactly based on the absolute edge of the paper.
- OMR readers can perform mark discrimination, thereby being able to determine erasures from darker marks
- OMR ink read scanner can read pencil or ink. An OMR pencil read scanner can only read pencil marks.
- Can obtain a higher speed of scanning
- Can be left unattended
- Can have a separate hopper for rejected forms to automatically be sent and dealt with later.
- Can capture much more data on an OMR form reducing paper costs.
- Cannot be used to scan non-OMR documents; it does not recognize hand- or machine-printed characters (ICR or OCR technology)
- A desktop/image form needs to have more “white space” around the bubbles.
- On a desktop form, ? or < are more acceptable.
- Copies of desktop forms are acceptable.
- Desktop scanners do not require forms be printed so exactly.
- A desktop scanner can read pencil and ink.
- A desktop scanner cannot perform mark discrimination. Multiple marks in an area, when not allowed, will be flagged as potential problems.